? Drag and Drop reordering is here

You can now reorder and organize any file manually! Put your Trivia questions in the order you’re going to play them, layout Boxes or the Wheel of Destiny the way you want, or order the teams in Leaderboard to make it easier to update. Reordering anything!

? Hide Next Winner

In all of our picker builders (Boxes, PickMe, PhotoFury, Wheel of Destiny) you can now hide the next winner from the person running the computer. Let the computer decide!

☕️ Improved Performance

  • fixed a bug here popups would appear too low to use in Sidekick, making scrolling difficult.
  • fixed a bug in Advanced Crop that would sometimes make it unusable.
  • fixed a bug in Trivia where it would appear dark and moody.
  • fixed a plethora of other bugs!